26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. (Proverbs 4:26 NIV)
Do we give careful thought to the paths for our feet? In fact, do we think about this much at all? Probably not. The paths for our feet refers not to where we walk necessarily, but the paths we are taking in this life. What we are doing with our lives and how we are living our lives.
People typically just live their lives at a break neck pace without much of an eye to the paths for their feet. There are points in life where we take time to consider our course, like what degree we will seek, will we marry, will we have kids, will we buy a house, will we change jobs, will we live a healthy lifestyle. These are major decisions that require us to put time in considering our next step in life.
But how often do we spend a concerted amount of time seeking God’s approval for any of these things? How much time do we take considering what God wants of us? This should be our first stop on the way to any major path decision. We take far too much upon ourselves and far too little upon God. This is an especially poor decision process when we consider we have little control over the outcome of anything, and God has total control.