
6 a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away; (Ecclesiastes 3:6 ESV)

I have been trying to thin out all that I have sitting about. Over the years we accumulate so much that, after a while, it just feels like a burden. This has been predicated on the sale of my last motorcycle and trying to get rid of everything I had accumulated over many years of riding. I had to laugh at myself when I counted the number of gloves I had alone. I have used them all, but for various reasons, bought others to serve some very specific need…I guess.

Anyhow, it got me thinking about everything else I have and I just really realized I needed to declutter my life. This holds for every aspect of my life. From all of the junk mail (paper or email) I get, to the stuff in my shed, garage and closet. But I think more than anything it also holds for my mental and spiritual life.

As I have been going through this I realized just how cluttered, and somewhat disjointed, even my spiritual and mental life was. So many things that are on my mind, so many elements of my ministry and spiritual life that do not serve a specific purpose other than to distract me from the one thing that is most important; my relationship with God and my focus on doing His will.

Maybe it is take time for you to take stock of more than what clutters your closet and what is most important.