7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. (Galatians 6:7 ESV)
There are three ways things happen in our lives. God brings them our way, the enemy does or we do out of our own behavior and choices. I say three things, because this may not just be how sin comes into our lives, but how just about everything happens in life.
Many do not want to accept this. They want to think life just happens to them and they are the victim. But far too often it is not that life happens to us, but that we happen to life through our choices.
We need to start taking more responsibility for our actions and realize that, as our scripture says, we reap what we sow. We cannot blame that on anyone but ourselves and in many cases our habits do the enemies work for him. We can be our own worst enemy when it comes to how we live out our lives.
The way to combat this is to look to God in every situation. Knowing that He wants nothing but the best for us, but allows us to have free will and we can get our selves quickly into hot water without Him.