Wearing Old Clothes

1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1 ESV)

After a hard day of work in the yard or around the house, especially in this Texas summer heat, nothing feels better than shucking those dirty, sweat soaked clothes and jumping in the shower.

Who after doing so puts those same clothes back on?

None of us do! Because who wants dirty, sweaty clothes we have worn to do chores after we have had a cleansing and refreshing shower!?

The same can be said about our faith life. Who, after coming to Christ cleansing salvation, wants to go back and put on our old sweaty, dirty life. We do not need that yoke of slavery to sin to continue in our lives. Yes, we are human and we will sin. But we cannot simply go back to living like we did before we were saved. No, we want to live a new life that is as void of old sin as possible.

We cannot do this alone, however, and we need the prompting of the Spirit in our lives every day, really every moment. Practicing the presence of God will help us in this endeavor and give us the strength to fight the good fight.