A Callous Nature

34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”[a] And they cast lots to divide his garments. (Luke 23:34 ESV)

I read this verse and two things come to mind. First, the loving forgiveness of Christ. Whilst in the throws of death he called out for forgiveness for those around Him and throughout time to come.

Second, the callous nature of mankind. While a man hung on a cross they cast lots for the last remnants he had, dividing up among themselves the spoils.

How can we read this and look at Christ and not feel a deep sense of regret regarding mankind? We are broken and scarred and in such need of redemption. At times, even though I love Christ and seek to do His will, find myself frustrated with my own callousness. Am I showing others that I care? Am I living the life God wants me to live? Am I turning away from my sin or giving in to it?

We have chances every day to display the love of God to those around us. This love must first start with us, forgiving ourselves as Christ forgave us, then extending that forgiveness and love to others. Even others who have wronged us.

Do not let a callous nature invade your life and your response to others.