The Bow

13 I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. (Genesis 9:13 ESV)

In this day and time there is a lot of controversy around this that I will not get into. However, what I will get into is the fact that God set this in place to remind us of a covenant, His covenant with us.

Also, science has explained away the existence of the bow, as they have tried to do so many things. But the bow is something that should bolster our faith not be a topic of debate. As Christians, we need to look to the specific signs God put in place to remind us of His love for mankind.

The only better metaphor explaining a bridge between heaven and earth is Christ on the cross. His outstretched arms on the cross both a loving embrace and a bridge between heaven and earth. Christ gave in to death as a sacrifice for us then overcame it to prove His divine nature.

So look toward these things and be hopeful, knowing that Christ is there as our bridge to God.