
20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20 ESV)

This is a vision of how our Heavenly Father expectantly awaits our return when we have gone astray. Lovingly, not judgmentally.

Is there judgement? Of course. But our Father eagerly waits to hear us confess and ask forgiveness. When we do, and we return to His path, He is faithful to forgive.

We do not have to stand upon the outside of the gate, fearful that our loving Father will not take us back. He wants nothing more than for the prodigal to return so He can once again embrace us.

So do not put off another moment because you think you cannot be forgiven. Do not think that your Heavenly Father will not take you in and that there would not be rejoicing in heaven. This may put you at odds with people here on earth when they see you return and become faithful once again. But this is why we cannot be a friend to the world without becoming and enemy to God.

Check yourself at the door, but walk in and receive God’s loving embrace.