First Look Within

1  “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. (Matthew 7:1-2 ESV)

Society has become very judgmental. If someone does not see things the way we do, we judge them as being this way or that, intolerant, hateful, uncaring, judgmental. Notice that last, in our act of judging we see others as judging. It is a vicious cycle.

We do not stop to think that in God’s eyes He will judge us by the same measure we judge others. God has a poetic sense of justice like that. In fact, if we held ourselves to the same standard we hold others, just how do we stack up. Oh, we may think we are better in some way, but in most cases we are not. We are just as flawed in other ways as those we judge.

Taking the measuring stick and considering first how we stack up can provide a humbling guide for how we judge others. And do not think to measure in only one area, one dimension. You see, God measures in an infinite number of dimensions and we are calculated by many variables. Looking at a single aspect of another’s life as negative may negate the many areas of our own life that require judgement.

Consider the log in your own eye before looking at the splinter in another’s eye.