Steadfast Truth

because of the truth that remains in us and will be with us forever. (1 John 1:2 & 2:1 CSB)

A truth that is steadfast bears repeating.

I find it interesting that John repeated the same line twice in these two chapters, but he was making a point. The truth is in us and will be forever. I know that there are those who have fallen away from the faith, but I would have to question if they ever truly had it. You see, once we have accepted Christ and have studied, scripture gets inside us. And this knowledge is difficult to shake.

Yes, we all may give in to temptations and sin, but God never leaves us. He is with us forever.

I cannot see how anyone who is faithful and studies scripture does not continually seek to change their lives for the better. Scriptural truth will grow and expand within us and, over time, will seek an outlet. This should come in our desire to tell others about this wonderful truth.

I took Christmas Day off yesterday from writing my devotionals and I felt worse for it. We had family in town and many things going on and I hoped everyone was getting an infusion of Christ at Christmas already. But it nagged at me all day that I did not write it and for this I am sorry. I do so every day because a truth that is steadfast bears repeating.