
14 For sin will not rule over you, because you are not under the law but under grace. (Romans 6:14 CSB)

What does grace mean to you?
Can you well define the word and how it impacts your life?

Grace can break the chains of sin. Grace extends beyond the law. Once we come to saving grace we are free from the things that enslaved us and can live a life of freedom in Christ.

But this too may be hard to understand.

Grace provides a path to God. Mercy is God’s plan back to man. And while God’s mercy is a favor we do not deserve, it is His grace that is our provision.

The world tries to define grace in every way other than how it works through God’s merciful salvation. It try’s to distract us from what it should mean to us by pointing every other direction. But God’s grace is an interesting thing. It humbles us by how freely it is given and it opens our eyes to how we should live…if we let it.

Grace means so much more if we only take the time to consider it in relation to God. We too, then, should consider it in light of our relationship to others and extend the same.

Grace means so much more in our lives than we give it credit for.