
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. (John 15:16 CSB)

We all have many appointments to keep. If your day is anything like mine, it is chock full of them. Day in and day out we live our lives by appointments, meetings, agendas. However, these are mostly of our making having to do with business, family or personal endeavors.

In many ways our appointments define us. If we look at where we spend the majority of our time we can quickly see what we hold as most important. I know, you may be saying, “but, most of my appointments are business related and I must do them.” True enough, we all have jobs to fulfill so that we can make a living. However, most of us have two forms of appointments, business and personal. These are the things that permeate our lives.

But if I put you on the spot and ask you about your divine or spiritual appointments right now, do you start to squirm? Are you less able to pinpoint what those are? Are you leaving any time open for God and His appointments?

Many times we do not. These oh so critical appointments get set aside for everything else. We take no time for ourselves to be away with God, we cheat God and ourselves. We leave no openings in our schedule for Him to work in our lives and work in His appointments. As I look at my calendar today I see that I have done exactly that. It is solidly booked with business, and I too must ask myself, where is time for God?