Divine Spark

A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good: (1 Corinthians 12:7 CSB)

How are you using what the Spirit has given you?

Do you even know what the manifestation of the Spirit is within your life?

Let me give you a hint, it won’t be something you use for yourself. No it will be reserved for others, but you will still get much from it. But, typically, it will have some key focus upon the common good.

If you do not realize it, the Spirit is working to manifest something unique in your life. Something, or things, that provide you an avenue to work for God.

This too will typically be something that comes very naturally for you, even if you do not think it does right now. It will be something of the nature God created in you that is extensible to those around you. To either the body of Christ or to the unreached.

What divine spark has God put within you that you should be using, pretty much, every day of your life? How is the Spirit bringing this manifestation into your life? Are you searching this out, are you open to its calling? Your life will be so much fuller if you will only take the time realize what you were given and use it in God’s service.

And here, you do not have to be the next great evangelical. Your gift may be something very quietly done in the background that speaks volumes to those around you. Even kindness can be a spiritual gift. Especially in a dry and weary land.

It starts with a spark.