
19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. (Hebrews 6:19a CSB)

I have never been a big boating person, possibly you are. However, we can all understand and appreciate what an anchor does. It keeps something in place. It is something that makes firm and secure that which has a tendency to drift. And the Lord knows we tend to drift.

It could be that very little in our lives ever feels firm and secure. But God provides a way for, at least, our soul to find such anchorage. He allows us, through Christ, to find rest and peace for our souls in a dry and weary land.

I would go so far as to say that if our souls have found and anchor then no matter how tumultuous our lives might be we can feel firm and secure. At least in our spirit. And if we have found one place that is secure we can begin to stand upon a small patch of firm ground.

In fact, this small patch is much larger than we might realize. When our soul is able to stand firm and feel anchored, the rest of our being has a point of steady reference. We can draw all things back, as we often do here, to scriptural norms and scriptural promises. We find the calm sea of an unchanging God who provides us firm footing in life.

But we must anchor ourselves to Christ first and allow Him to be our anchor.