Simply Love

The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:8 CSB)

Have you ever considered the unlovable? Or maybe just the unloved?

There should not be these in our society, but they are there. Some, due to circumstance, some by their own actions and some just by outcomes of others actions.

Let me let you in on a little secret. God does not see anyone as unlovable. He loves all.

It is we, humans, who do not love. It is us who puts labels on people and write them off accordingly. Yes, we who are not worthy of love are loved anyhow by a God who is love. We do not deserve it. We have not earned it. We surely do not express it all that often. But God, in His infinite mercy and grace loves us.

But how can a loving God let bad things happen, you might ask.

How does the clay say to the potter, why have you formed me this way? God is big enough for our questioning and our anger, but make no mistake, His ways are higher than ours. We will not know the answer to these questions this side of heaven.

God loves even as He allows bad things to happen. We cannot fathom why. We must take His lead and simply, love.