
42 Give to the one who asks you, and don’t turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. (Matthew 5:42 CSB)

When we read this our minds tend toward helping those who have financial need, and to be sure, there are many cases for this. However, have you ever considered this line of scripture in relation to your time and the comfort you might give? We do not think about these aspects of our lives in the sense of being borrowed. But the truth is that much of it may be borrowed time.

It is easy to give of our funds and be somewhat separated from the actual need being met. And yes, people around us may have gross financial needs. But, as the Bible says, the poor will always be with us.

It is when we stop down from our busy lives to take time for another that often matters the most. I am a firm believe in God giving us divine appointments. I believe He, very often, sets people in our path to befriend and help for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

We may see little for ourselves in these relationships, but in truth being on the giving end for others is greatly beneficial to us. We must look beyond the material or the temporal for these gifts. Some of them may not come this side of heaven.

There is much for us to give when people seek to borrow from us, which will be given back multi-fold in heaven.