Planted in your Heart

11 He has made everything appropriate[a] in its time. He has also put eternity in their hearts,[b] but no one can discover the work God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11 CSB)

Three very important things from our scripture today.

  • God has made everything appropriate
  • God has put eternity in your heart
  • God cannot be fully known

The first two speak of beginnings and ends. Everything starts and ends with God. We can deny this, say He is not in control, but when life is over we will know fully. Wouldn’t it be better to be on the side of knowing and accepting God than not?

And how can we know Him? We can know Him from what He put in our hearts. You see, as I have mentioned many times before, we are born with a God sized hole in our hearts. But God gives us the free will to fill it with His love or not. And while He has revealed much of Himself through scripture and in Christ, we will only fully know Him in the end. The mysteries of the universe will be unlocked for us and we will see fully where we now see only dimly.

God planted all of this in your heart and He wants only that you know him and accept Him. Then we will know fully within eternity.