
Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go over there to worship; then we’ll come back to you.” ( Genesis 22:5 CSB)

Do you believe in God’s promises?

Abraham had been promised by God that through Issac He would build a great nation. But now, God was testing Abraham’s faith and asking him to sacrifice the boy.

But look at our scripture again. Abram says to those with him there, ”we’ll come back to you.” He was already displaying the faith that God would be his provision and uphold His promise.

Too often when things get a bit rocky we begin to worry and we forget the many promises God has given to us. We allow the enemy to whisper in our ear, ”its not alright, God is far away”, when God is ever present and just waiting on us to turn to Him, to trust Him.

“We’ll come back to you,” speaks volumes. It acknowledges God’s provision in our lives and we can restate it as, ”I am here for you.”

When the two sets of footprints in the sand of our life narrow to one set it is not God leaving us. No, it is God carrying us.