Not Accomplishing Much

20 for human anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness. (James 1:20 CSB)

Over the years, I have not always done a good job of keeping my anger in check. I am much better at it these days and it rarely gets the better of me. One thing I began to realize is that an angry man, my size cuts a pretty broad swath within people’s minds whether it is unleashed or not.

The other thing I began to realize is that it did very little other than getting my blood pressure up. Many times people simply do not care. Other times they are simply oblivious to their acts that can cause us anger. Per our scripture, it does not accomplish God’s righteousness.

Yes, there is righteous anger, but more often than not what we experience is selfish anger. We get angry at some perceived slight. We then often take out that anger on those around us who have had no hand in creating the situation.

When we begin to see anger from God’s point of view, we can reframe how we are to react.