A Calling

Through him we have received grace and apostleship to bring about[a] the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the Gentiles,[b]6 including you who are also called by Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:5-6 CSB)

Who are you called to reach?

Have you ever given that question much thought?

You are you know. Called. And there are those ”Gentiles” among us you were called to reach. You and I are, mostly, Gentiles reaching out to Gentiles.

But it is interesting that few seem to know who their Gentiles are. Few seem to know who they are supposed to reach, even if they feel comfortable doing so. This too could be considered the mission field you feel called to. And there is one, a mission field that is, even if you do not recognize it.

Including you who are also called by Jesus Christ. Called to receive grace and apostleship to bring about obedience of faith. And our obedience of faith includes this calling.

If you have not searched out where and who you are meant to reach, you should do so. You should put some thought to just who God is calling you to reach and how your ”ministry” is reaching others.

You have a calling….