
Dear friends, although I was eager to write you about the salvation we share, I found it necessary to write, appealing to you to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints once for all. (Jude 1:3 CSB)

My pastor is doing a series out of Jude and I realized it is a book I have rarely, if ever, written about. Furthermore, I have not spent enough time in study of this small but powerful book of the Bible.

As in today’s select scripture, we are encouraged about the faith we share and our need to contend for that faith.

But what does contending for our faith today mean?

Well, for one, it means not sitting back on our heels and not taking it forward. The salvation that was delivered to us, the saints, was done so that we could both believe and pass that belief on. Now I know I have written often about our need to fulfill the Great Commission, but I do so with no apologies. It is one of our greatest task on earth and we need to be fulfilling it daily. Doing so, and being able to give a reason for why we believe is one way we contend for our faith.

Additionally, we must stand strong. Our faith is not necessarily politically correct. There are truths we should be upholding that will run counter to societal norms. We do not have to beat people over the heads with our Bibles, but we do need to stand up for those convictions that are scripturally based. This may put us at odds with others and may cause us some uncomfortable moments. It may also cost us more than that. But we are not promised an easy life.

No matter the cost of contending for our faith, our eternal rewards so greatly outweigh our earthly battles.