Do Not Be Silent

The Lord said to Paul in a night vision, “Don’t be afraid, but keep on speaking and don’t be silent. (Acts 18:9 CSB)

During my recent sabbatical I found it very difficult to not log in and post these devotionals. Yes, they have become part of my daily routine but more importantly they are the driving force behind my ministry. Xplore Christ is more than just a blog name to me it is the way I live. It takes my love of Christ, my faith, my love of writing and exploring scripture and puts that all into action.

Therefore, when I think about a scripture like today’s I am further driven to keep on speaking (writing) and not being silent.

I understand that there is a time coming where I may be banned from these types of writings and postings. But that does not mean that I will be silent. I will continue to find ways to get these words out and to speak to others of Christ salvation. I too will continue to strive to live a life worthy of Christ and speaks more and more of my faith in God.

We may not get visions like Paul, but God gives us each a burning desire to fulfill the Great Commission in the way He planned that is unique. From this desire He will provide a path to fulfill that duty.

Do not be afraid.

Do not be silent.