8 I will instruct you and show you the way to go;
with my eye on you, I will give counsel. (Psalm 32:8 CSB)
Do you ever feel unsure of the direction your life is taking? Do you ever have times of doubt about your course?
Boy, I sure know I do!
I think, however, we often miss the signpost.
Life can be a complicated thing with many different roads and many diverging paths. If you are not good at setting and achieving goals it can prove even more unsure and frustrating. Far too often the course of our lives ends up being set by circumstance and happenstance. We become who we are based less on a plan and more on dumb luck.
And even when we have a well defined plan, well, life takes a totally different path.
I have found that trying to control less and relying more upon God’s instruction and counsel helps. When I relinquish my death grip upon what I think my life should be and allow God the room to work it to His will I am happier. I stop striving so hard and feel more at peace with the process.
I have come to understand, after many years of fighting the process, that God’s directions are far more accurate than my own. Even when the destination He leads me to is not what I would have picked.