25 Now as John was completing his mission, he said, ‘Who do you think I am? I am not the one. But one is coming after me, and I am not worthy to untie the sandals on his feet.’ (Acts 13:25 CSB)
How do you gauge your worth? Not your wealth, your worth? Consider this a bit.
We tend to gauge our worth by either our wealth or our responsibility. But God uses a very different scale. His scale weighs us based upon His son and the love he has for us. Because he gave his son for us.
That is a pretty awesome amount of love.
But without Christ we are like filthy rags, unworthy to untie the sandals on His feet, but He justifies us and cleans us up.
When we begin to recognize our worth through God’s eyes, and calculate our worth through our service to Him, we begin to understand the faith life. We begin to change the weights in our scales. Otherwise no amount of doing can tip these scales in our favor.
We may be, like John the Baptist, unworthy to untie Christ sandals, but we are justified and made worthy through his sacrifice.