14 But the Pharisees went out and plotted against him, how they might kill him. (Matthew 12:14 CSB)
Jesus had just healed a man’s hand in our scripture, but the Pharisees were angry because he did it on a Sabbath. The Pharisees saw Jesus as a threat and no matter what good he might have been doing they decided their views trumped his grace.
When we set forth to do the right thing, we must not allow popular opinion or others views to keep us from moving ahead. Even in the face of adversity, doing a good deed is rarely a bad idea.
The problem with the Pharisees in our lives is that they want only the good heaped upon themselves. They want only outcomes that work to their agendas.
But good knows no boundaries.
This is especially true when the good we do comes from the place of a humble heart. Good is not meant to be done to provide us a stage to show ourselves upon. No, good coming from a humble heart wishes for no accolades, it only wishes for the good of others.
And good can come in the simplest forms, like a smile or an acknowledgment of others.