Not Just Talk

20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. (1 Corinthians 4:20 CSB)

Because we do not continually look for all of the signs of God all around us we can easily focus on just the enemy’s actions. This because they seem so evident in the news we watch.

Too much of our time is spent with our heads buried in our phones an not in our Bibles. We forget the promises of God because we do not spend enough time focusing upon what God is doing in our lives.

The kingdom of God begins here on earth with His creation. The power of which can be witnessed each morning in the rising of the sun. God orchestrates every moment of every planet and the patterns of the wind. We forget this. It all becomes just another day. These are big powerful movements, but too His power is evident in the cooing of every baby born. The spark of life given to each of us from God, quietly but powerfully.

There is place in this world for talking about God’s power. But we must first recognize it in everything from the small to the large. There must be a place for the study of scripture as well. Then when we have studied God’s promises and witnessed the power of His kingdom should we use words.

Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.”