Clay Jars

Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us. (2 Corinthians 4:7 CSB)

God has created within the human body great resilience. Yet even so we are as fragile as clay jars.

In the last year and a half we have seen just how fragile some of those jars can be as the world was swept with pandemic. As we go back through the ages there have been plagues that have impacted the fragile world of our bodies in similar ways. Our modern medicines do a lot to counter these things now, but we are seemingly in constant need of tending. Our bodies are machines that require tending to keep running at our optimum.

Yet, as fragile as our bodies can be our scripture shows us just how extraordinarily valuable God sees them. He has made them to hold a great treasure. He has given them great power that we must remember is not from us. That is why there is the fragile nature of our bodies, so that we will remain humble.

What is this great treasure God has entrusted to our jars of clay?

Salvation. The saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.

And with this the mysteries of the scriptures and the person of the Holy Spirit to dwell within our clay jars to shine upon others.