Human Concerns

23 Jesus turned and told Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me because you’re not thinking about God’s concerns[a] but human concerns.” (Matthew 16:23 CSB)

How often does this scripture describe us?

Well, speaking for myself, quite often.

I try to see with God’s eyes, but often times I cannot. When I can’t I quickly look to my human concerns and not God’s concerns. Instead of waiting on God I forge ahead with my own plans to fix a thing or make something happen. More often than not I am frustrated when my plans do not work out.

It is hard, but always better, to wait on God. This is not to say we are to be idle. However, it means that our motion is based upon scripture or upon how we believe God wants us to act.

Human frailty and our fickle minds get in the way, they both become a hinderance. We must condition ourselves to be patient and consider what God is trying to tell us in his waiting.

We need to guard against thinking our way is best. Because most of the time it isn’t.