A Man After My Own Heart

22 And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.’ (Acts 13:22 ESV)

Paul described David as a man after God’s own heart. What an incredible epithet for a life. Consider for a moment what might be written about you after you are gone.

What does it mean to be a man after God’s own heart? Is it regular church attendance? Is it giving a faithful tithe? Or is it having a deep and abiding relationship with God where we filter everything through what God would want us to do?

Understand, David made mistakes. But he always came back to God and ultimately confessed and righted his way. God is not expecting us to be perfect, He knows that is not possible. But He is looking for us to strive to do the right thing, to be close to Him and to return to Him when we have sinned.

Reflect on; what it would mean to be a man (or woman) after God’s own heart.