About Your Faith

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who seek him. (Hebrews 11:6 ESV)

Do you have faith in God?

No, really, do you?

I mean really?

Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him three times. He did this to clearly illustrate Peter’s lack of faith in his denial of Christ, but to show Peter His love is greater that Peter’s weak faith.

The answer comes too quickly to our lips that we DO have faith. We do not consider the multiple times every day that we may not display it. And if not daily, weekly for sure. You may feel my assessment is harsh, but I say it is so based on my own life.

We all family continually. We do so in so many subtle ways that they escape our attention. It is just part of our daily life and we do not scrutinize our lives at the level we should. We are too busy living life to really put it under a microscope. But God’s vision is microscopic. If He is in the make up of every cell of our body (He knows your every hair), then how can He not see us in a microscopic way.

Without faith, our life in Christ is impossible. We must consider it in every aspect of our lives, acting and reacting that displays our faith.