One Nation Under God

12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
    the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! (Psalm 33:12 ESV)

I do not like to either post about political topics or, really, even discuss them. We all have our views and I try to respect every person. But there is one thing that I am hopeful for as we roll into the weekend after the election; that we may return to One Nation Under God.

This idea has no political association and focuses instead upon healing our nation in the only way we can do so wholeheartedly. In so many ways I feel like we have lost our way and need to find that that right way is back to God.

So much has happened in the last few decades that have pulled us further and further from the roots of us being one nation under God. We have removed our icons from schools and have had other Christian values trampled. You may say there is no place for religion where there is separation of church and state, but I would say without Christ we are destined to fail.

I feel strongly about this and will not mince words when it comes to us returning to one nation under God. Without this we are just not the nation America was founded to be.