God’s Got You

32 “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32 ESV)

Do you truly believe that God’s got you? That you are part of the “little flock” He has the good pleasure of giving the kingdom of heaven?

Well, if not, you need to get to the point where you do!

Once you come to the saving grace of Christ and believe you become part of the little flock. You are under God’s protection no matter what happens, and things will happen here on earth. And the more we pick up our cross the more we may have to bear for Christ sake. The more the enemy will strive to attack us.

The beauty of our relationship with God once we believe is that no matter what, God’s got you. Scripture says that not one who comes to Christ will slip from His hands. We are His for eternity.

Someone needs to hear this today. Someone needs this assurance and understanding so that their lives have meaning and purpose. Maybe you need to be reassured of your place in God’s kingdom. If so, go back and reread this short verse and be assured, God’s got you.