13 Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
14 Blessed is the one who fears the Lord[a] always,
but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity.
Yesterday we spoke about repentance. Today, let us take a look at a hardened heart.
In this world that tells us at every turn to live our truth and do what feels good it can be easy to harden our hearts to God. We decide that we are ok living with a certain habits that keeps us continually stepping over the line into willful sin. In fact, they may have become so ingrained that we no longer even think of them as sinful acts. They are just a part of who we have become.
It is here where we need to dig deeper into the concept of true repentance and to daily confess and forsake these actions or habits.
Throughout scripture we find examples of those who hardened their hearts against God. Each of them came to their on calamitous end. Even seemingly good and godly men would allow and foster some aspect of a sinful life. What we do not want to get to is this place where we have taken a blind eye to our sin.
Think deeply about your life and anything you are holding out and allowing that is not necessarily something that is a God approved action. Maybe it is a lingering desire for something, or a habit like allowing anger to be prevalent in your life. We each have those little sinful hold outs that we need to daily confess and forsake.