Learning to Love

23 Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. (John 14:23 ESV)

Know God – I write often about the need for scriptural study and prayer. It is through these two things that we begin our knowledge of our Lord. Through this knowledge we gain the ability to grow and mature in our faith which leads us to…

Trust God – When we begin to know God and see His workings in the world around us and our lives we can begin to trust Him. This may be harder than obeying Him as it relies upon putting our trust in something unseen. Through the maturing process we can build our trust in God, which will make it ever easier to…

Obey God – As wisdom grows we begin to better understand the areas in our lives where we need to obey God more. We see the error of our ways and we recognize our sin. We start turning more and more of our lives over to God and disciplining ourselves to obey.

Love – is the outpouring of knowledge, trust and obedience. We see God working in our lives and we desire to see Him work in the lives of those around us. Thus, we love them more in Christ image.