In Our Best Interest

17 Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life,
    but he who rejects reproof leads others astray. (Proverbs 10:17 ESV)

We do not always heed the good instructions we are given either in life or by God. We want to run off on our own, stray from the path and lead the life we think is in our best interest. But we are poor gauges of what is in our best interest. The littlest thing can draw us off into the paths the world that desire nothing more than to drag us down.

But when we heed instructions on the path of life we are provide in scripture we may be stepping out on faith. Rejecting reproof can also put us in the position where we are leading others astray. Those who may look to us, based upon our faithful Christian life, can be lead off when we allow ourselves to live by the world’s standard. It is amazing when we live a life in Christ how much others observe and begin to expect to see us living this way. If we go astray it can truly impact others far more than we know.

Thus, our best life is for us to live in our best interest, which is the life scripture and Christ prescribe.