Of One Mind

1 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 

Our scripture today gives us a clear picture of how we are to be of one mind. This is something being in Christ affords to all Christians, and if we foster this together in our community it can spread. But if we stay sequestered in our homes and churches, holed up and not professing our love for our brothers how can we hope to be of one mind?

For many years I rode my motorcycle under a number of Christians banners. Our “church” was where we put the kickstands down. We, literally, took church on the road. And I was amazed how often people would come up to us and ask for prayer or greet us with brotherly love showing they were of one mind.

Today, I write more than I ride and I find it harder to feel this sense of community. However, there are seasons in every Christians life. Really, there are seasons in every person’s life. Our ministry has to adapt to our situation, or we have to adapt to new way’s of living. But in one vein we must not allow these changes to make us less effective for Christ. We must keep our mental accord helping brother and sister in each of the ministries God gave us.