All The Things

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to[a] his own glory and excellence,[b] (2 Peter 1:3 ESV)

Did you know you had been given all the things?

Not some, but all. Everything you need pertaining to life and godliness came to you with the knowledge and acceptance of Christ. Now, we can choose to not accept some of the teachings in scripture or some of the word and works of Christ. But why would one come to faith and then marginalize it? Why would one not take the full measure of Christ.

We cannot be of two minds. Scripture tells of that a house divided will fall.

No, we must be of one mind and that mind must be fully focused upon Christ. In this way all the things He has given us will become manifest in our lives. And isn’t that better than some partial aspect of Christianity, to gain His glory and excellence.