Ever Before Christ

16 …Who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:16b-17 ESV)

Our sufficiency is found only in Christ. No words I write here will ever be sufficient without the leading of the Holy Spirit and His prompting in your life. I do not want to be seen as one peddling God’s word, but desire to be seen as serious in my faith and my desire to impart scripture to others.

In a favorite series I watched, there was a religious man who it was said “carried his faith lightly, but never shallowly.” This is what I strive for. To live a life of deep spirituality lived lightly.

What I write, or I speak in relation to scripture or God I know is done so in the sight of God and, hopefully, always in Christ. This is how our scripture describes how those commissioned by God should partake in the plans He puts before us. Thus, the sobering fact from this scripture is that our ways are ever before God. We cannot hide and we cannot act outside of what He witnesses. In fact, how could we ever think we could when we are indwelled with the Holy Spirit.

Thus, all we say and do is ever before Christ.