Peace through Holiness

14 Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14 ESV)

Consider a world where we all pursued getting along peacefully. A world where our number one priority was to build community and find ways to live in harmony with others.

If we, as Christians, are not striving for holiness through peaceful interactions with one another, we are not fulfilling Christ plan. Now, does this mean that we will agree with everyone? No. There may be many we do not see eye to eye with. However, if our first reaction is not one of anger, but one of seeking balance and agreement then we are showing Christ love.

Note, that I stay away from the word compromise. I do so not that we may not need to seek some compromise, but because most want to see the Christian compromise our truth and values for what they see as right. We cannot compromise our Christian values seeking peace with others. This is not to say that we should not seek some common ground where peace can be found. But that we must stay close to Christ, which is going to put us at odds with the world.