Rooted or Uprooted

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (Colossians 2:6-7 ESV)

We have been experiencing a weather cycle where we are getting a lot of rain and some really high winds. It all began with a morning last week where we suffered through about an hour of 80-90 mile per hour winds. This, as you can imagine, caused a lot of damage to homes and especially trees in our area. Many limbs down and some ages old tree’s uprooted.

Yet, many more stood firm or bent with the wind and survived. One of two things were needed for these other trees. Roots had to be firmly and deeply planted and/or the tree had to be able to bend freely with the force of the wind without breaking.

Our faith must be like these trees. At times it needs to be flexible, meaning that it must adapt to changing situations without breaking. It needs to flow with situations, bending but not giving up our strong beliefs or values. Other times it may have to be like a deeply rooted tree that can stand firm against the wind and the rain that rages around us. Not bending, but also not breaking.

In either case if our faith is not well rooted in prayer and scripture, it will be easily uprooted.