Casting Aside Our Ways

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8a ESV)

This scripture came up multiple times today, which means to me that I need to hear it, and maybe you do to.

We can go through times where we feel distant from God. In these times we need to examine our lives to see if there is a sin based reason, or something else causing us to be estranged from Him. Often it can be due to us being too busy or simply our responsibilities are weighing upon us. There are a thousand reasons I could state that the world and the enemy have to draw us away from God.

There is also a proven method of drawing near to Him. If we will turn to Him in prayer and meditation on scripture, He will draw near to us. We may not feel it immediately, which just means that we have drawn so far away that it takes time for us to make our journey back.

We cannot hope to begin to feel near to Him if we do not make an effort to do so on our part. We often want God to chase us down and come to us on our terms. But God often wants to see something change in us and is waiting to see if we are willing to make that change. Thus, we must find our way back to God through adapting our lives to His teaching and His desires, casting aside our old ways.