
1 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, (Ephesians 4:1 ESV)

There are two operative words in this brief scripture; Prisoner and Called.

At face value these seem to be very different terms used for, essentially, the same thing. But how can prisoner and called be considered the same thing? This especially when scripture talks so much about the saving grace of Christ and freedom in Christ, why then does the apostle use the term prisoner. I mean, are the called then prisoners?

Surely, a calling is not a prison sentence. No, in fact it is the ultimate freedom in Christ. A freedom where we are given the immense opportunity So how do we reconcile the ideology behind being a prisoner for the lord and freedom in him?

Now, Paul was speaking both literally and metaphorically. He was literally in prison for a period of his ministry, but metaphorically and maybe more importantly, he viewed himself as a prisoner to Christ and His commands. I would go so far to say, as should we all. However, this is no prison of walls and bars. This is a prison of boundaries that provide a path that leads ever upward and forward and opens up into the expansive freedom of Christ and heaven. It becomes a prison built upon the mature faith and complete desire to do all things in and through Christ. Our walls and bars become the boundaries which governs our life.