Put on Love

14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. (Colossians 3:14 ESV)

Have you ever considered putting on love like you would a garment? It is an interesting concept and one that we may need to consider.

Loving others may not come naturally. Yes, you may be nice, but can you say you really love others. Of course, loving someone requires a connection and we may not be afforded the time or ability to form with those we briefly come into contact. Thus, putting on love as we begin our day, at the very least, sets us up to be loving when the opportunity arises even if we have little to no connection with others.

This, truly, is the love of Christ. It is looking at others in a totally different way. Our compassion reaches out through this love we put on and embraces others. We do not have to wait to form a connection when the love of Christ is draped over our shoulders waiting like a warm blanket to encompass others.

This too may not be in our base nature, but it is what our very deep connection with Christ requires.