Know in Part

12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12 ESV)

There is so much in this life we question. In many ways we cannot see far enough into the future to really predict much of anything. Futures change, money comes and goes, our health it good one day and poor the next. So many factors make up this life and any one of them can be cause for concern and throw off future plans.

Today, now, on earth we can only know in part the glory of God to come. Once we have reached heaven we will know fully. I think we will get a glimpse of our lives in retrospect and see all of the things we hit perfectly on the head and the things that we missed by a mile. Luckily, God says there will be no sadness in heaven, so while we may see our errors they will not weigh upon us. Which is good, because we probably miss more than we hit.

When we see fully we will understand fully God’s plan. We know, in part, that He desires to reach all people. But when we are there the full glory of His plan encompassing everyone will be visible and we will be in awe of what we see.

Today, we see in a mirror dimly. But when face to face with Jesus….what a glorious thing to look forward to!