Paved with Good Intentions

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelations 21:4 ESV)

I write often about our various lamentations regarding this world. It is one of death and decay. Yes, there are times of joy, but all things are passing away. This all began with Adam and the fall of man. He set in motion the labors we would have to endure in this life.

However, there is coming a time when God will wipe away every tear, death shall be no more, nor will there be morning, crying or pain. He says clearly in numerous places in scripture that these former things will also pass away when we reach heaven.

When we consider the small amount of time we truly have on this earth in the aspect of eternity, our time of pain is relatively short. But our time of joy in heaven will be forever. Sadly, for those who do not come to the saving grace of Christ, so will their time in hell.

I know no one wants to talk about the potential of going to Hell. But without Christ that is the destination of even the best of people. As it is said, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Good intentions will not get you to heaven, only Christ saving grace can do that. Wouldn’t you rather be sure.