Willing Participants

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6 ESV)

God is at work in us every moment of every day, this is one reason He gave us the Spirit. So that we had every opportunity to improve in our daily walk and so that nothing was missed of divine appointments. But we must be willing participants.

You see, coming to the faith is not a one time thing. No, it is an every moment of every day thing. I can almost hear some of you sighing right now. Yes, our walk is a moment to moment thing, we are either growing or we are withering away. And as such we need the living water poured into us each and every day.

I just had some landscaping done, part of which was a was adding some new plants. Those tender new plants needed water the next day. Their leaves were drooping and looking poorly. Just a bit of water though and they perked right up. Like these tender plants our faith droops and withers without being fed daily. But this requires that we be invested so that God’s good works will become manifest in our lives.