True Thanksgiving

8 Give thanks to the Lord; call on his name;
proclaim his deeds among the peoples. (1 Chronicles 16:8 CSB)

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we should be taking time to think about and give thanks for all we have. But there are two other things we need to also focus upon during this season as well. We are to call on His name and proclaim His deeds.

It is great to be thankful for all we have, we should definitely take time for this. But our calling does not start and stop with our thanksgiving for the Lords provision.

Prayer is a necessary part of the faith life we live. We should be regularly calling upon His name to intercede for others and to seek His will for our lives. Life is not meant to be lived simply going about our business. No, we are here to go about God’s business as well and prayer prepares us for and leads us to this form of living.

Proclaiming God’s good deeds in our lives should also come quickly to our lips. When we live out of a place of thanksgiving to God, speaking of His deeds comes naturally. In fact these things should come unbidden to our lips and flow from a life lived in a natural and humble way. A way that speaks to the fact we know where all of our gifts come from, who lives fully in our lives, and how His good deeds make a path for every man.

This is where true thanksgiving begins.