Techniques of Deceit

14 Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit. (Ephesians 4:14 CSB)

Yesterday was Election Day. You know the best part about the day after Election Day? No more campaign ads! No more mud slinging. Whether your candidate won or lost, we get a reprieve from all the rhetoric.

I have said it many times, I am not political. I focus my time on what I believe are more productive pursuits. I do vote, I feel very strongly about everyone voting. But all the other stuff that gets dog-piled on the process, I have no time for.

But with this and many other things I see people tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, human cunning and cleverness in the techniques of deceit. In fact we seem to have whole online platforms dedicated to this very aspect of people having their say and twisting truth.

The thing I like about scripture is that it is always the same, always there and always steady. Yes, we can depending upon our circumstance interpret it differently, but the Word itself does not change. It points the way to truth and light. It magnifies the wrong in society and helps us to put guardrails on our lives.

But we must accept scripture for what it is, the unerring Word of God. Many want to debate this, but faith is in part accepting the Word for what it is. Ours is not to debate but to mine the many valuable lessons contained within the words of scripture. Trusting it to help us see the cunning and cleverness in techniques of deceit around us.