What You Take or What You Leave

21Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
and naked I will leave this life.[a]
The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job 1:21 CSB)

“Believers are not controlled by their environment.”

The above line was in my morning devotion. It got me thinking about what we truly have control over, and you know, it ain’t much.

As our scripture says, naked we came into this world and naked we will leave. Yea, I know, you have a lot of stuff and are responsible for a lot of things. You may have a family to take care of, lots of job things to do and maybe even some ministry that you work for God in. But when you are gone, all of these thing will either stop happening or go on without you.

It is the hard lesson of life. No matter what we have or what we do, someone else will have and someone else will do after we are gone.

So, as such, why do we allow our environment to control us so much? Why, as believers, are we so hung up on all of it?

Well, if we are honest it gives us purpose. You may complain about your job or all of your responsibilities and you may long for a life of leisure. But in reality we need something to drive us. And in all of it we need to remember that we are not doing these things for us, we are doing them for God. Then, and only then, will life begin to feel less like a drudgery and more like an adventure. Only then will life be more about what you leave than what you take.