
13 And do not offer any parts[a] of it to sin as weapons for unrighteousness. But as those who are alive from the dead, offer yourselves to God, and all the parts of yourselves to God as weapons for righteousness. (Romans 6:13 CSB)

Scripture, at times, takes a pretty hard line. Today’s is no exception. We are being asked if we have been weaponized for righteousness or unrighteousness.

That’s right, weaponized.

That may seem like a pretty heavy word for a scriptural reference, but it is the essence of what and who we must be. You see anything less and we are just lukewarm. And we remember what scripture tells us about lukewarm faith, right? If not, look it up.

Much like we are told to put on the Armor of God to mount a regular defense against the evil one, we too must become a weapon. Wielded in the right way a weapon can be either a fine instrument of surgical precision or a gross instrument of brutal destruction. But in either instance it is meant to be used both defensively and offensively. We, in our faith, must be ready for both forms of battle.

And maybe you think that I am taking the analogy too far? Maybe you do not see your life in faith as a battle. Maybe you are not experiencing life in that way. Then I would ask you this; is your faith active and effective? We should worry most about how we are living our faith when there are no spiritual attacks. You just might be sitting in the enemy’s camp.

Listen, I think we can experience times of great peace. God allows both times of battle and times of peace so that we are not discouraged from constant battle. But complacency can lull us into ineffectiveness.

We need to consider what we are being weaponized for.