Establishing Plans

3 Commit your activities to the Lord,
and your plans will be established. (Proverbs 16:3 CSB)

We go about each of our day’s, planning our plans and doing our work as if all of them only depended upon us. We believe we are the captain’s of our ship and we sail it to our destinations.

Maybe this is why so many of us get off track so easily.

A single hiccup in our plan can cause everything to crumble. It is then when we realize just how fragile our plans and our world can truly be. We are established in ourselves and that is a very weak establishment indeed.

But when our plans are laid before the Lord, like putting out our fleece, can we begin to establish them on a solid foundation. This is a habit I truly want to establish in my life as well this next year, with every aspect of my life.

Even when we are in scripture and prayer daily we can find ourselves pressing God to make OUR plans fruitful. We do not first think that He must bless and establish those plans before they will be successful.

It is easy to go about our lives thinking that God is not in all that we do. To think that God’s only focus is upon spiritual or faith based actions. But when we are truly established in God, everything is a spiritual activity.